Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Esh Winning School is situated within the village of Esh Winning, serving children from the village and beyond.
Everyone at Esh Winning School takes great pride in being a member of the school community, including staff, children, parents and governors. Our school ethos celebrates the UNIQUE support and education received by every child who enters our school, which is delivered by a dedicated and committed staff team.
Governors at Esh Winning School are fully involved in every aspect of school life. We challenge decisions as a ‘critical friend’ to ensure we provide an outstanding curriculum for every child whilst ensuring a financial responsibility and integrity.
The value and ethos of the school enable children to thrive and flourish in an environment where children are supported for their individuality. Children leave our school with the life and learning skills to take them forward onto the next stage of their life with empathy and integrity.
For parents who already have children in the school, thank you for placing your trust in us. For new parents, considering accessing places, please take the time to visit school. I am sure you will be delighted with what you find – Esh Winning School is a true gem.