In this section of the website, you will find information about our approach to teaching at Esh Winning Primary School.
- The Curriculum Purpose of Study and Intent provides information on the relevance of this subject and why we teach it in this particular way at Esh Winning Primary School.
- The Implementation of Subject Content KS1 outlines how teachers at Esh Winning Primary School teach the subject across key stage 1
- The Implementation of Subject Content KS2 outlines how teachers at Esh Winning Primary School teach the subject across key stage 2
- The Subject Progression section outlines what progression in this subject looks like across the school and contains, where relevant, local links
- The Useful Subject Information section provides further information of the wider ways in which Esh Winning Primary School provides opportunities to engage with and deepen learning in this subject
- The Impact is detailed in our Intent statements, and states the impact evident from implementation of actions within the subject.
Intent of Design & Technology at Esh WinningImpact of Design & Technology at Esh WinningImplementation of Design & Technology at Esh WinningSubject ProgressionUseful Subject InformationLong Term PlanCultural Capital, SMSC & British Values