In this section of the website, you will find information about our approach to teaching at Esh Winning Primary School.
- The Curriculum Purpose of Study and Intent provides information on the relevance of Maths and why we teach it in this particular way at Esh Winning Primary School.
- The Implementation of Maths outlines how teachers at Esh Winning Primary School teach Maths
- The Maths Progression section outlines what progression in Maths looks like across the school
- The Useful Subject Information section provides further information of the wider ways in which Esh Winning Primary School provides opportunities to engage with and deepen learning in Maths
- The Impact is detailed in our Intent statements, and states the impact evident from implementation of actions within Maths
Our maths mental and written calculations policies are available on our policies page.
At Esh Winning Primary School, our intent for mathematics is to promote a love of maths and teach a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum, using maths to reason, problem solve and develop fluent conceptual understanding in each area. Teachers and governors are kept informed of developments of our frequently reviewed curriculum. Teachers are supported and aided in their roles ensuring confidence in the skills and facts they are required to teach. Lessons are child focused and maths is kept fun and current in school. Our curriculum allows our children to make sense of the world around them, relating the pattern between maths and everyday life. Our policies, resources and schemes support our vision eg. Our calculation policy, White Rose Maths, NCETM Teaching for Mastery. The mapping of maths across the school shows clear progression in line with age related expectations. Pupils are challenged and we believe in a child led approach whereby pupils can take ownership of their learning, choosing the most appropriate resource or method to help them solve calculations. Pupils identified as SEND or underachieving are supported completely, revisiting learning where needed. Maths in our school is enhanced by individual class working walls, designed to aid children through each topic, also through Times Tables Rockstars, Mathstastic and Times Tables Olympics. Subject expertise allows the intention of our mathematics curriculum to be executed successfully. As a school, in 2018, we became part of a TRG with Carmel College and worked closely with a Maths Mastery Specialist and several members of staff have had the opportunity to observe colleagues teaching Maths Mastery. CPD is important in maths and all staff are encouraged to raise any issues they have within mathematics in order to ensure everyone is confident in what they teach. Good practice is always shared between staff and all CPD is used to inform teaching and learning across the school. An audit of staff resources is carried out throughout the year and staff have the opportunity to request specific resources to support teaching and learning. Resources allow us to better use models and images to support learning in each topic area. Children are familiar with these and are able to access them independently where needed to support their learning in different contexts. Staff follow White Rose Long Term Plans and have several materials to refer to to support their planning eg White Rose, NCETM Teaching for Mastery, Test Base etc. these are used across EYFS, KS1 and KS2, allowing children to be exposed to a range of different types of learning and problem solving and reasoning. Pupil progress is shared with parents at termly parents evening and yearly reports. Parents are also encouraged to support their children at home by completing weekly maths homework activities and accessing Times Tables Rockstars at home. Mathematics vocabulary is taught explicitly and children are encouraged to use it independently. Children are given opportunities to problem solve and reason regularly; learning is varied and allows for deep and secure understanding. Both greater depth and struggling learners are given 1:1 support/interventions in order to ensure every learner is reaching their full potential. Teachers develop fluency through practicing key skills, repeating, reinforcing and revising which is all built in to formal planning across the school. Children are given time to practice and perfect their maths skills and calculation strategies. Immediate marking and feedback is given and is designed to ensure pupils are well-informed and making visible progress. Children work collaboratively and independently to problem solve and reason, which requires them to develop perseverance and resilience. Discussion is essential to the children’s learning and time is planned into lessons for this. Task types are varied to suit all types of learners, whilst reasoning remains one of our key priorities. The impact of our mathematics curriculum is that children enjoy maths and are not afraid to ‘have a go’. We have created a Growth Mindset environment where children understand that it is ok to be wrong and that mistakes can be a good learning point. It is the journey to finding the answer that is the most important and not necessarily the answer itself. Children are developing skills in being articulate and are able to verbally reason well. They are continuing to develop skills to enable them to pictorially and in written form reason well. Children enjoy the challenge of Times Tables Olympics and sharing their achievements in this area in Celebration Assembly. New levels for Times Tables Olympics (Black Hole, Cosmic) has been written to challenge our Greater Depth children. Maths books and Class Logs show evidence of fluency, problem solving and reasoning using the CPA Approach. Our feedback and interventions are supporting children to strive to be the best mathematicians that they can. Maths books are moderated both internally and externally on a regular basis and children are achieving well in maths. NFER Formative Assessments are carried out on a termly basis in Years 1, 3, 4 and 5, with Years 2 and 6 carrying out practice SATs paper at appropriate points throughout the year. The results of these formative assessments are analysed and used to inform planning and ensure every child is making expected or more than expected progress. Children’s progress is also tracked by the Data Lead and discussed at termly Progress Meetings. Any child not achieving their full potential is identified and the appropriate support is put in place for these targeted pupils. Children access Times Tables Rockstars throughout the week, to develop their understanding and fluency of Timestables. Children also complete weekly Mathstastic and Times Tables Olympics. Each week a child is chosen in each class as Mathemetician of the Week, where they have shown good knowledge, understanding and resilience in maths. Early Years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Cutural Capital in Maths Cultural Capital is the amassing of knowledge, behaviours, skills and experiences that gives us the confidence to be able to talk, communicate, progress and take a full part in our community and wider world. At Esh Winning Primary school, we promote equality through our commitment to developing cultural capital for all our children. In Maths, children are exposed to “real” problems, which are relative to their lives both now and in their future. Children are taught to utilise their Maths skills to conduct investigations and experiments of their own. Maths is also explored to highlight its cultural significance in History where an understanding of timelines is paramount to the children’s understanding of the various historical periods they study. Additionally, there are opportunities for children to experience Maths, which include Able Maths Days whereby children in Key Stage 2 are able to investigate Mathematical problems and use their skills in Maths to work alongside children from other schools.