English supports the spiritual development of children at Esh Winning Primary School by providing children with opportunities to extract meaning beyond the literal, consider hidden meanings whilst engaging with ideas in fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama. Children are able to explore how the choice of language used and style affects implied and explicit meaning.
The children learn how to use language in imaginative and original ways, drawing on their reading knowledge; considering how words, usage and meaning change over time.
Moral development is aided by the teaching and learning of English, by exploring stimulus for thinking about the consequences of right and wrong behaviour; children can speculate and apply their learning to their own lives. When they do this, they are developing their speaking, listening and higher order thinking skills.
Also, through drama, by expressing what it feels like to be wronged and what remedies might make things better for the injured
English teaching and learning is there to promote social skills by allowing; participation, creativity, reflection and independence are encouraged in all English lessons. Children are provided with opportunities to read texts that portray issues and events relating to contemporary life or past experience in interesting and challenging ways.
Furthermore, children explore current influences on spoken and written language, examine attitudes to language use, and consider the vocabulary and grammar of Standard English and dialect variations. Discussion work, in pairs and larger groups, alongside studying a whole range of literature, including novels, plays and poetry, helps and encourages the children’ social and moral development.
Our culture capital is championed through the use of short stories and plays, selected to encourage children to empathise with the feelings and experiences of others to help develop their understanding of other people’s attitudes, ideas and behaviour.
Within classrooms, texts and authors are selected to expose children to literacy heritage of the UK and the wider world. Children are taught to recognise the cultural and historical context of texts and how this is reflected in the thoughts and actions of characters.
At Esh Winning Primary School, children develop a sensitive awareness of, and the ability to respond constructively to, backgrounds, experiences, concerns, feelings and commitments of others through a range of different narratives.