In RE, children have been learning about Buddhism. They have learned the real name of Buddha , where he came from ,the four sights and have reflected on how they can show kindness and love to mankind. They reflected on how Buddha became enlightened under a bodhi tree and decided to try out meditating for themselves . They meditated to become enlightened on how to show kindness within our school.
Year 2’s created Christingles to support their enquiry question:
How and why is light important at Christmas?
Year 2 visited Durham Cathedral to support their enquiry question :
What can we learn from the story of St Cuthbert?
KS2 have participated in an Interfaith afternoon . It was to provide them with the opportunity to reflect on lockdown, which was very difficult for some. Children were unable to meet up with friends, see family members, travel or take part in their favourite pastimes. They experienced a sense of loss and deprivation. People of all faiths and none were forced to become more resilient and mindful of others.
The children worked with leaders from the Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Islamic faith groups. They were encouraged to reflect on what is important when we miss things from our everyday lives. It was linked with periods of fasting/abstinence and they were given the opportunity to ask questions to the faith leaders. The children developed an understanding of similarities and differences within and between religious and non-religious worldviews
Children designed their own personal three-point action plan through self-reflection to help them consider the needs of others. Then used them to create a kindness tree for display in year 3/4 corridor.
Year 6 answered their enquiry question by creating stain glass windows to tell the different interpretations of the story about the birth of Jesus.
What do the gospels tell us about the birth of Jesus?
Year 1 were answering their enquiry question : What is the Easter story?
The Children tasted hot cross buns and Easter eggs, they then looked at the real meaning of Easter.
Inter Faith Week
RE Big Questions: A journey through Christianity
The Easter Assembly PowerPoint