Here at Esh Winning, PE is taught as a basis for lifelong learning. The children have access to a wide range of sports and activities in the belief that if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life.
The Useful Subject Information section provides further information of the wider ways in which Esh Winning Primary School provides opportunities to engage with and deepen learning in PE.
It is our intent at Esh Winning to teach children life skills that will positively impact on their future. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical activities. We want to teach children how to co-operate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. We recognise the value of physical education and we fully adhere to the aims of the national curriculum for physical education to ensure that all children: PE in the Early Years As part of the EYFS statutory framework pupils are taught: Physical development - involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Moving and handling: children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They handle equipment and tools effectively. Health and self-care: children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. Key Stage 1 and 2 Pupils at Esh Winning Primary School participate in twice weekly high quality PE and sporting activities. Our PE programme incorporates a variety of sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities before, during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being. As well as these PE lessons, the children also take part in our ‘Daily Mile’. This involves the class walking, jogging or running a number of laps around our grounds at some point during the day at the teacher’s discretion. We also have an extensive OPAL provision, allowing the children the opportunity to learn through play. Our grounds also allow us to make use of the outdoors whenever possible, whether through PE lessons or other areas of the curriculum. The curriculum lead attends PE Subject Leader meetings to stay abreast of regional and national good practice. This information is shared through staff meetings and supporting documents. It is our aim that all children will achieve age related expectations in PE and perhaps more importantly children will enjoy sport and will seek additional extra-curricular activities both in school and externally. Our participation levels in PE will be 100% In all classes children have a wide range of physical ability. Whilst recognising this fact, we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child and in doing so raise pupil’s health (considering childhood obesity) and fitness levels, improve skills and develop pupil’s resilience, teamwork and perseverance (school values). The use of assessment, questionnaires and surveys (pupils and staff) and by talking to children, the quality of lessons and confidence in the teaching of PE improves and as a result the enjoyment and positive outcomes increases. At Esh Winning, we work closely with the Durham and Chester le Street School Sports Partnership, who provide quality coaching sessions to our children throughout the year. Their coaches work alongside our teaching staff to ensure the quality delivery of a range of sports and to enable our teaching staff to be confident to deliver these sessions going forward. As part of our partnership, we have access to many different events throughout the year that all children from Early Years to Year 6 can attend. These events have included: gymnastics carousels, cricket and tennis festivals, football league competitions, all delivered at other sites, as well as fun runs and taster sessions delivered at our school. We aim to provide a variety of after school clubs to give our children further opportunities to participate in physical activity. These have included multi-sports, fitness, dodgeball, among others, all provided by fully qualified coaches. There are also weekly football training sessions, ran by members of staff within school. Each year at Esh Winning, we take part in the Active 30 initiative. This is a scheme in which we pledge for each pupil to be active each day for a minimum of 30 minutes and if we achieve this we receive a certificate. We achieved this in the last school year and are well on target to achieve this again. In order to help us hit our 30 minutes of activity every day, our school provides plenty of opportunities including our OPAL resources for break and lunch times, a Daily Mile course that classes often use at various times throughout the day, alongside our two sessions of PE each week and access to various after school clubs. For the last two years we have held our Children's Cancer Run, a whole school fun run in which we aimed to raise money for Children's cancer charities. These have proven to be extremely successful, and great fun, so we are holding this event again this school year. SMSC links within PE at Esh Winning Primary School Spiritual PE at Esh Winning supports spiritual development by increasing the children’s knowledge and understanding of the body’s performance when exercising; this leaves the pupils amazed at the body’s ability. Through Dance and sports such as Gymnastics pupils are being creative, expressing feelings and emotions in their performances. Allowing pupils’ reflection time to evaluate their experiences allows them to build a positive mindset and promotes progression. Pupils will also see a sense of awe and wonder when observing elite performance from professional athletes and their peers. Moral PE at Esh Winning supports moral development by encouraging them to live a healthy lifestyle and promoting healthy living is apparent in each PE lesson. Pupils develop the ability to tell between right and wrong through fair play in sporting events and participating in competitive situations, giving pupils a sense of justice, and how to respond appropriately when they feel there is an injustice. By utilising the expertise of qualified sports coaches within PE sessions and breakfast and after-school clubs, the children learn how to take part and compete in sports in a correct and fair manner. Social PE at Esh Winning supports social development by developing the necessary skills to work in teams or pairs, as the majority of activities are based around team games or creating sequences in groups, co-operation with others is paramount to success. Giving the pupils roles such as leaders, coaches, or umpires offers pupils the opportunity to develop their communication skills, leadership skills and the ability to settle any discrepancies which may occur. Pupils are encouraged to reflect upon feelings of enjoyment and determination. Cultural PE at Esh Winning supports cultural development by giving children the opportunity to explore dances and learn games from different traditions and cultures including their own. Pupils also recognise and discuss the differences between male and female roles within sport, at both elite and amateur levels. Compassion and respect for other culture and traditions is also displayed by all when exploring unfamiliar games or dances. Pupils will discuss how culture affects what sports different nations excel at and how cultural traditions can affect which sports men and women participate in. Cultural Capital within PE at Esh Winning Primary School Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work. At Esh Winning Primary School, we promote equality through our commitment to developing cultural capital for all our children. During their time at Esh Winning, through our PE provision, the children will experience the following: British Values within PE at Esh Winning Primary School The Department for Education states that there is a need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” At Esh Winning we promote these value within PE in the following ways: Democracy Pupils are taught about the need for different roles and different responsibilities, including teamwork and decision making. There is a code of conduct for the school that permeates all subjects, including PE. There is opportunity for pupil voice for PE & School Sport, through the School Council and gathered by the subject lead. The Rule of Law Pupils are taught about age appropriate rules, fairness and respect, through a variety of PE activities. Pupils learn to work individually and in groups. An established ethos in PE with regard to how to win and lose fairly and understand good sportspersonship. Competition against oneself is encouraged in addition to competition against others. Individual Liberty PE at Esh Winning recognises individual differences. There is an ethos where the views of individual pupils are listened to and respected within an acceptable framework. Pupils are taught safely and about safety. Mutual Respect and Tolerance Pupils at Esh Winning are taught about historical, cultural and religious differences, through a variety of PE activities. The culture in PE respects cultural differences. Pupils are taught about the environment and different activity contexts. There are appropriate rewards and sanctions in PE for inappropriate behaviour, in line with the school behaviour policy. The school engages in competition through sports leagues and events and encourages competition within and across the community.