Meet the staff
- Miss B Turnbull – Year 2 Teacher (History & Geography Co-ordinator)
- Miss K Burns – Year 2 Teacher (Personal Development Co-ordinator)
- Mrs A Cook – Year 2 Teaching Assistant
In Year 2 we inspire and nurture our children through fun and engaging opportunities. We provide challenges to increase independence and resilience for their future, supporting our children to flourish and develop a healthy growth mind-set. We celebrate our achievements in and out of school, encouraging one another to always do our best.
General Information
Year 2 is a class of 31 children.
In Summer Term 2 we have P.E. on Monday and Friday.
Throughout the year we cover lots of different topics which you can see in our long-term plan-
2022-2023 Year 2 long term plan
Here are some more documents to inform you of our Year 2 learning this term-
Curriculum organiser Autumn 2023
Curriculum organiser Spring 2024
Home Learning
Every Friday a variety of activities are uploaded to Seesaw, our home learning platform.
- Spelling
- English
- Times Table Rockstars
- Topic (Geography/ History)
These support and extend the children’s learning further. The children can access it at any time from home using an electronic device.
Reading books are sent home every Friday and changed the following Friday. We encourage the children to read each and every day, therefore, children are asked to bring their home reading books daily. The home reading books correspond to the children’s Read Write Inc. groups in school.
We encourage the children to explore a range of story texts within their learning through the use of our well-thought-out Reading Spine. In Year 2 we support the children to develop a love of reading and to widen their vocabulary. The children also have access to a wide selection of books, fiction and non-fiction, in our reading corner. Our Reading Spine books are:
Whilst we do focus on these books in our English lessons, the children have the opportunity to explore other books. The books that we cover are used to strengthen and elevate the children’s writing and thought processes.
In maths we follow White Rose Maths and a CPA approach. CPA means Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract and is an effective way of using visual and physical methods to support children’s understanding of abstract maths. The children complete weekly Mathstatsic and Times Table Olympics. They also have access to Times Table Rockstars as part of home learning.